Nashville Salsa Dancing

I’m Nicole and I can’t wait to watch your life transform! Countless Nashvillians were living mundane lives before picking up Salsa dancing.

Read this Nashvillian’s story:

“Before I discovered salsa, I only had a few close friends and social interactions outside of work. I knew I needed to get out more, meet people, and make new friends, but I didn’t know the best way to get started. Since learning to dance, I have found there is always something to do if I have a little down-time and want to get out! Almost every night of the week, I can find a nearby class or dance to go to and practice  - or just visit with my friends. I have met SO many friendly and outgoing people since beginning Salsa. Not only is it good exercise, but the social interactions are positive and inspiring. More than anything, I have learned that all I have to do to have a great time is show-up, have a good attitude, and be myself.”

- Six Months Into Salsa Dancing

Are you ready to see this transformation in YOUR life?

See you on the dance floor!


Nashville Dance Collective


New Dialect